Creative Frequency offers a global voice for those pioneers, innovators, researchers, writers, practitioners of Creative Arts Therapy a forum to share, explore and develop the arts for health and healing.

27 September 2008

In Conversation - Webcast 3 - #Therapeutic Stories

The topic of our conversation for this episode was on stories, the healing that makes stories since time immemorial such a vital part of any 'therapy', although we started by sharing our all time favourite stories, discussed some of the elements of stories we did not have the available time to delve further into the the role of the 'story teller' and the keeper of stories. I was delighted to have Min See, Play Therapist and Chris, Counsellor and Psychotherapist to join me in conversation on this fascinating subject from both end of the globe. I am putting an appeal again to practitioners from all disciplines and theoretical orientations out there to join me in future conversations and would really welcome your company in sharing our experiences and perspectives in around the Creative Arts Therapies.  

You can contact me at to leave your thoughts, views and opinions. You arealso  welcome to leave your comments here. 

Click on the player to listen to the podcast.... or point to icon below and use the right button on your mouse to click and choose 'Save Target As..' to download the Mp3 file

30 August 2008

In Conversation - Webcast 2 - #Symbols

This episode is a recording from a Live Internet Discussion that was broadcasted and streamed at The discussion centered around the subject of symbols. I was delighted to have Wai Wai, a clinical psychologists and play therapist in training and Min See, a play therapist from Malaysia as my guests in conversation. I extend my greetings to those who were there as my listening audience. We enjoyed our conversation which covered a number of areas relevant to our area of interest. It was also great to have practitioners from the South East Asia to share their work and views to provide and enrich us with a wider cultural perspectives. I would have welcome dramatherapist or other arts therapists in the discussion. I am still keeping my fingers cross and do hope this might be the case in future shows. 

Click on the player to listen to the podcast.... or point to icon below and use the right button on your mouse to click and choose 'Save Target As..' to download the Mp3 file

5 August 2008


Due to a last minute changes in my holiday plans, I had to reschedule some changes in the dates and order of the webcasts. Please click here or on the link above for the lastest updates.

The next webcast will be at Creative Frequency - In Conversation on the 30th August 2008 at 0900 hrs BST. The theme of the discussion will be around "symbols" in creative arts therapy. I look forward to your company and having a conversation with you.

19 July 2008

In Conversation - Webcast 1 - #Rituals

My first attempt in using the live webcast to engage BADth International members and other global creative arts practitioners/listeners did not turn out as I had hoped for. I note some listeners were present although my invitation to have a conversation either through voice of text was not taken up. So the whole hour I am afraid and to my embarrassment consist of my ramblings, so my apologies, if you have the patience and perseverance to listen it. I was anticipating the webcast to be in an informal, natural and spontaneous dialogue with others, talking, sharing and discussing topics of mutual interest. I was very aware and was intentionally avoiding making any preparation about the topic and to slip easily into my usual comfortable mode as "teacher/lecturer" turning the webcast into a lecture or a monologue, setting the expectation for the rest of the series of webcasts. Although now, I wish I had or to have lined up at least a guest to talk to :-) . 

I am hoping that the show will gradually gather some momentum and by the next 'In Conversation' webcast on the 16th August 2008 I may have some guest to join me in conversation. So if you happen to be around and enjoy a chat about what you do, do drop me a line. I have not recorded an mp3 file for this session to download as Skype was not used. You can view and listen to "my ramblings" from this link at UStream. 

15 July 2008

In Conversation - Inaugural Webcast

This Saturday I am starting a regular live Internet webcast and I am hoping that you may decide to join us. This is like a tv/radio show that you can view and listen through the Internet. You can also choose to participate in the informal discussion using text and audio if you wish.  The show starts 09.00 hours BST Saturday 19th July 2008 and will hosted at

The show has no specific topic or subject however, to get listeners ‘warm up’ I will kick off the show with a five to ten minutes (fingers tightly crossed) hopefully,……… ramblings, reflections, provocations, around a very loose theme which the audience may then be enticed to engage in further ‘conversation’ with whatever thoughts, associations, feelings etc may be aroused or arise from the initial sound bite. This Saturday’s theme is about ‘rituals’.

So wherever you are in the global village, if you have some time to spare on Saturday pull up a chair, turn on your computer, have your mug of coffee, or wine depending on which time of the day or night in your neck of the wood and join me ‘In Conversation’ Looking forward to communicating with you. 

Please use the links above to find out how to participate and a schedule of future webcasts.

Alex Chew

29 June 2008

Episode 4 - Creative Supervision

This episode is a recording from a Live Internet Discussion that was broadcasted and streamed at The discussion centered around the subject of creative supervision, what it may mean to supervisors of various theoretical persuasion and how it locates itself within the model of supervision for the supervisor and the developmental needs of the supervisee. The guests at the discussion was Chris, a pluralistic counsellor and supervisor and Dave, a hypnotist and Reiki practitioner but due to some technical glitches, Dave could not join us for the entirety of the show. It would have wonderful to have dramatherapist or other arts therapists in the discussion. I keeping my fingers cross and do hope this might be the case in future Live Internet Broadcast shows. The schedule for future shows will be posted here soon.

Click on the player to listen to the podcast.... or point to icon below and use the right button on your mouse to click and choose 'Save Target As..' to download the Mp3 file

8 March 2008

Episode 3 - Creative Arts Therapy Online

This is a recording of a Internet Live Broadcast from Therapeutic Airwaves on the 2nd March 2008. In the discussion with online counsellors and psychotherapists, we explored the realm of imagination in healing. If the main processes of Creative Arts Therapy is working within the imaginative realm to access the healing and growth potential that lies in the unconscious and collective unconscious of the individual and group psyche, it would seem natural to tap into the imaginative therapeutic space that is offered by virtual reality in cyberspace. To utilise creative arts therapy online is not limited or constrained by the technology but only by ones own imagination to use what is already available and accessible between client and therapist in a creative and novel way. It is not technology that drives creativity, it is creativity that drives technology.

I am hoping to start a series of regular Internet Live Broadcast for Creative Arts Therapists around the globe. If you are interested in participating or would like to suggest the themes for discussion please do get in touch with me. A listing of the schedule will be posted here and instruction of how to participate. I do hope you will be able to me and Creative Arts Therapists around the world. You can contact me at

Click on the player to listen to the podcast.... or point to icon below and use the right button on your mouse to click and choose 'Save Target As..' to download the Mp3 file

You can also view the recording of the live broadcast of the above episode here