Creative Frequency offers a global voice for those pioneers, innovators, researchers, writers, practitioners of Creative Arts Therapy a forum to share, explore and develop the arts for health and healing.

30 August 2008

In Conversation - Webcast 2 - #Symbols

This episode is a recording from a Live Internet Discussion that was broadcasted and streamed at The discussion centered around the subject of symbols. I was delighted to have Wai Wai, a clinical psychologists and play therapist in training and Min See, a play therapist from Malaysia as my guests in conversation. I extend my greetings to those who were there as my listening audience. We enjoyed our conversation which covered a number of areas relevant to our area of interest. It was also great to have practitioners from the South East Asia to share their work and views to provide and enrich us with a wider cultural perspectives. I would have welcome dramatherapist or other arts therapists in the discussion. I am still keeping my fingers cross and do hope this might be the case in future shows. 

Click on the player to listen to the podcast.... or point to icon below and use the right button on your mouse to click and choose 'Save Target As..' to download the Mp3 file

5 August 2008


Due to a last minute changes in my holiday plans, I had to reschedule some changes in the dates and order of the webcasts. Please click here or on the link above for the lastest updates.

The next webcast will be at Creative Frequency - In Conversation on the 30th August 2008 at 0900 hrs BST. The theme of the discussion will be around "symbols" in creative arts therapy. I look forward to your company and having a conversation with you.