Creative Frequency offers a global voice for those pioneers, innovators, researchers, writers, practitioners of Creative Arts Therapy a forum to share, explore and develop the arts for health and healing.

15 July 2008

In Conversation - Inaugural Webcast

This Saturday I am starting a regular live Internet webcast and I am hoping that you may decide to join us. This is like a tv/radio show that you can view and listen through the Internet. You can also choose to participate in the informal discussion using text and audio if you wish.  The show starts 09.00 hours BST Saturday 19th July 2008 and will hosted at

The show has no specific topic or subject however, to get listeners ‘warm up’ I will kick off the show with a five to ten minutes (fingers tightly crossed) hopefully,……… ramblings, reflections, provocations, around a very loose theme which the audience may then be enticed to engage in further ‘conversation’ with whatever thoughts, associations, feelings etc may be aroused or arise from the initial sound bite. This Saturday’s theme is about ‘rituals’.

So wherever you are in the global village, if you have some time to spare on Saturday pull up a chair, turn on your computer, have your mug of coffee, or wine depending on which time of the day or night in your neck of the wood and join me ‘In Conversation’ Looking forward to communicating with you. 

Please use the links above to find out how to participate and a schedule of future webcasts.

Alex Chew

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